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Comprehensive Consultation

It's Time to Glow

Unlock the secret to your best, and most healthy self- inside and out. Begin today with our comprehensive consultation. 

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The Comprehensive Consultation  

Who should get the Comprehensive 


Our Comprehensive Wellness Consultation offers a unique blend of advanced aesthetic analysis and holistic functional medicine, designed for those seeking a harmonious balance between external beauty and internal health.


We address a variety of concerns with a "root cause" approach to medicine, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of your health. If you are ready to feel your best, look your best, and live your healthiest life—both inside and out—our comprehensive consultation is the perfect starting point.

  • Our Comprehensive Wellness Consultation offers a unique blend of advanced aesthetic analysis and holistic functional medicine, designed for those seeking a harmonious balance between external beauty and internal health. We address a variety of concerns with a "root cause" approach to medicine, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of your health.

    You will be seen by a nurse practitioner or physician, allowing us to diagnose and treat your medical concerns effectively. Our approach combines lifestyle medicine, which uses evidence-based behavioral interventions to prevent, treat, and manage chronic diseases, with root cause medicine and a holistic perspective.

    If you are ready to feel your best, look your best, and live your healthiest life—both inside and out—our comprehensive consultation is the perfect starting point.

  • Our Comprehensive Wellness Consultation addresses and can treat a wide range of concerns, including but not limited to:

    1. Skin Health: Acne, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and other skin conditions.
    2. Aging: Fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and other signs of aging.
    3. Nutritional Deficiencies: Guidance on vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients for optimal health.
    4. Hormonal Imbalances: Menopause, andropause, thyroid disorders, and other hormonal issues.
    5. Weight Management: Obesity, metabolic syndrome, and weight loss strategies.
    6. Chronic Pain: Arthritis, muscle pain, tendon problems like plantar fasciitis and tennis elbow, and other chronic pain conditions.
    7. Digestive Health: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and other gastrointestinal issues.
    8. Mental Well-being: Stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns.
    9. Chronic Diseases: Diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and other chronic conditions.
    10. Lifestyle Factors: Sleep disorders, physical activity, smoking cessation, and stress management.

    Our holistic and root cause approach ensures that we not only treat the symptoms but also address the underlying causes of your health concerns.

  • The frequency of the consultation depends on your individual needs and goals. Generally, it is recommended to have an initial consultation followed by periodic check-ins to monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.

  • In our aesthetic consultations, we employ a comprehensive approach that combines advanced technology, objective measurements, subjective information, and an understanding of health factors that influence your appearance. Here's how we address each aspect:

    1. AI Facial Scan: We use an AI-powered system to scan your face, allowing us to see beneath the surface of your skin. This technology helps us assess underlying structures and conditions that may not be visible to the naked eye.

    2. Objective Measurements: We take precise measurements of your facial features to evaluate symmetry and balance. This information is crucial for planning any treatments or interventions aimed at facial rebalancing.

    3. Subjective Information: We listen to your goals and concerns to ensure that our treatment plan aligns with your desired outcomes. Understanding your personal objectives helps us tailor our approach to meet your needs.

    4. Health Factors: We consider how your overall health may be influencing your aging process and the condition of your skin. Factors such as nutrition, hormonal balance, and lifestyle choices can significantly impact your appearance.

    5. Skin Conditions: We assess the texture, tone, and any specific conditions like eczema, acne, or rosacea. This comprehensive evaluation allows us to recommend targeted treatments to improve the health and appearance of your skin.

    By integrating these elements, we can provide a holistic and personalized plan to enhance your natural beauty and address any aesthetic concerns you may have.

  • Yes, the consultation can address specific skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, and more. Our personalized treatment plans include medical skincare diagnoses and treatments tailored to your unique skin concerns.

  • Our Comprehensive Consultation also addressess pain issues and provides options for Pain Management. This consultation is designed to provide relief for a variety of pain conditions. Utilizing advanced techniques and personalized treatment plans, we aim to alleviate discomfort and improve quality of life. Here are some examples of pain conditions we can address:

    • Muscular Pain: Including muscle strains, sprains, and tension-related discomfort.

    • Migraines: Providing relief for chronic headaches and migraines through targeted therapies.

    • Neck Pain: Addressing pain caused by posture issues, injuries, or degenerative conditions.

    • Plantar Fasciitis: Offering treatments to relieve pain in the heel and bottom of the foot.

    • Tennis Elbow: Alleviating pain and discomfort in the elbow and forearm.

    • Arthritis: Managing pain and inflammation associated with various forms of arthritis.

    • Morton's Neuroma: Providing relief for nerve pain in the foot.

    • Sciatica: Addressing pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve, from the lower back through the hips and down the legs.

    • Piriformis Syndrome: Alleviating discomfort caused by the piriformis muscle irritating the sciatic nerve.

    These are just a few examples of the pain conditions we can address. Our goal is to provide comprehensive pain management solutions that cater to the specific needs of each individual, ensuring effective relief and improved well-being.

  • The base cost of the consultation is $0, making it accessible for an initial assessment. However, there are options for additional add-ons such as lab coverage and other services within the comprehensive consultation and exam, which may incur additional costs.

  • The initial consultation typically takes between 60 to 90 minutes. This allows for a thorough assessment and discussion of your personalized treatment plan.

  • Yes, follow-up appointments are recommended to monitor your progress, make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan, and ensure that you are achieving your desired results.

The Comprehensive Consultation offers a wide range of benefits to address both your aesthetic and health concerns:

  • Personalized Medical Health Assessment: Includes reviewing labs, writing prescriptions based on diagnoses from the consultation, and reviewing medical plans provided by urgent care or the ER.

  • Medication Review: Comprehensive evaluation of your current medications to ensure they align with your overall health and wellness goals.

  • Medical Wellness Plans: Provides plans focused on optimizing health, weight, nutrition, pain management, and reducing and managing stress, among other areas, for a well-rounded and holistic approach.

  • Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Focus: For those primarily interested in aesthetic concerns, the consultation includes AI facial analysis, objective measurements for facial rebalancing recommendations, medical skincare diagnoses and treatments, and anti-aging plans.

  • Tailored to Individual Needs: Whether you're looking for a health-focused plan or an aesthetic enhancement, the consultation is customized to meet your specific needs and goals.

What are the benefits of the Comprehensive Consultation?

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